General Secretary Xi Jinping put it simply and profoundly: "A city does not necessarily rely on one industry for development. It is not necessary to rely on several industries and what kind of industry, we have to open one lock with one key and decide according to the specific situation, not to make a list."

Pada sore hari tanggal 14 Februari, Dongan Power mengadakan Konferensi Pemasok Utama 2023.

Pemasangan, pembersihan, inspeksi, pengemasan ...... Di bengkel produksi di Pavilion Tao County Bearing Creative Industrial Park di Kota Handan, Provinsi Hebei, para pekerja dengan terampil mengoperasikan mesin untuk mengejar pesanan.

Recently, Rickard Gustafson, President and CEO of SKF, together with the company's management team, visited the headquarters of Nangao Gear Group in Nanjing and had an extensive and in-depth exchange with Hu Jichun, President of Nangao Gear Group, and his senior team.

On February 24th, leaders from Shenyang Ensco Precision Machinery Co., Ltd. visited Zhejiang Guangyue Transmission Technology Co.

On February 21, the 2022 Annual Extreme Krypton New Energy Supplier Conference was held in Quzhou, Zhejiang Province.

In 2023, Tiejin will focus on the future development trend of the miniature bearing industry, focus on new technologies, expand new business and new markets, aim to break the international monopoly of the special miniature bearing industry, promote the import substitution of products, and improve the overall technical standard of the domestic bearing industry.

JTEKT has developed a new product, the JTEKT Ultra Compact Bearing (JUCB), to narrow the bearings in the e-Axle, in anticipation of the expanding BEV (electric vehicle) market.

On the morning of February 16, Hangzhou Gongshu District held a conference on "Building a first-class business environment, fighting first-class economic performance" for high-quality development. At the meeting, enterprises that contributed to the high quality development of the district economy were commended and awarded medals. Hangzhou Renben Bearing Co., Ltd. was awarded the title of "Gongshu District 2022 Industry Track Leader".

On February 17, 2023, the world famous bearing manufacturer NSK purchasing department and technical department, a group of 7 people, visited Entropy (Shanghai) New Material Technology Co., Ltd. and discussed strategic cooperation issues, Entropy general manager Mr. Jiang expressed a warm welcome.